Rhinoplasty Specialist

Fiyin Sokoya, MD
Double Board Certified Head and Neck Surgeon, Facial Plastic Surgeon in Atlanta, GA
Your nose is a focal point of your face, and if you’re unhappy with its size, shape, or function, you might be a candidate for rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is one of the oldest cosmetic surgeries performed, and experienced plastic surgeon Fiyin Sokoya, MD, in the Atlanta area is highly skilled at enhancing the appearance of your nose using the latest surgical techniques. Dr. Sokoya can also use rhinoplasty to repair structural issues like a deviated septum to help you breathe better. Find out more about the benefits of rhinoplasty by calling our office in the Atlanta, GA area by booking a consultation online today.
What is rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty (or septorhinoplasty) is a surgical procedure to reshape your nose or to repair collapsed nasal valves.
You might be a candidate for rhinoplasty if you’re unable to breathe through your nose, or unhappy with the size or shape of your nose and wish to straighten it or improve its angle. This type of surgery can also remove a visible hump on the bridge of your nose to improve its aesthetic appearance.
Dr. Sokoya might also recommend rhinoplasty if you have a deviated septum or another structural issue inside your nose that interferes with your breathing.
He offers comprehensive, personalized consultations to discuss your reasons for surgery and determine if you’re a good candidate for rhinoplasty. You can expect him to take preoperative (before) pictures during your initial visit and discuss the expected outcomes of your surgery.
What happens during rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty requires general anesthesia to keep you relaxed and comfortable throughout your procedure. During your surgery, Dr. Sokoya makes a small incision inside your nose or at the base of your nose to reduce your risk for scarring. He then works meticulously to reshape the cartilage and bone of your nose to enhance its appearance. He can also remove portions of cartilage or bone that block your nasal passages and make it difficult to breathe. Ultimately, Dr. Sokoya focuses on achieving results that look most natural.
After surgery is complete, Dr. Sokoya works closely with you to manage your pain and can prescribe appropriate pain medications. He also provides antibiotics to reduce your risk for an infection.
How long does it take to recover from rhinoplasty?
While everyone heals differently, immediate recovery from rhinoplasty generally takes 1-2 weeks. You can expect to get back to your usual activities within seven days.
To protect your nose, you will wear nasal splints for a week after surgery, and Dr. Sokoya removes them during your one-week postoperative visit.
It’s common to have some bruising around your eyes following rhinoplasty. This bruising will go away on its own within a week, and you can temporarily cover it with makeup.
To find out if you’re a candidate for rhinoplasty, call the office of Fiyin Sokoya, MD, nearest you or book an appointment online today.
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